Parents as Partners

Working in partnership with parents and carers is very important to us, and we recognise that is key for supporting children’s learning and development. As a result, we work closely with all parents and carers in a number of different ways. These being:

Termly Coffee Mornings

We host coffee mornings once a term on a Saturday morning. This is a great opportunity for all parents/carers, staff and children to meet together to enjoy some time together. We provide a selection of food and drinks and take the opportunity to update you on any changes and ask for you to share your ideas and comments. As part of the coffee morning, we often provide workshops for parents/carers on a wide range of topics, such as making story boxes, healthy cooking and treasure basket play

Development Reviews

We will review your child’s learning and development. This helps us to make sure that we are supporting your child’s needs effectively and can identify additional needs early. The review takes into consideration the observations your child’s key-person has made, to plan activities and next steps for their learning and development. The reviews are shared with you so that we can work together to support your child through their learning journey.

Annual Parent Evening

In addition to the reviews that we undertake for each child, we also hold an annual report evening at the end of the summer term. This is an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress throughout the year and to share any comments or ideas you have

Key Person System

We operate a key-person system, which means that every child is allocated a member of staff who will act as their named key-person. The key-person is the main point of contact between child, parents/carers and the setting. They take responsibility for caring your child whilst here at nursery and will plan and observe your child’s learning and development, making sure that your child has fun and is stimulated through well planned play and learning activities based around their interests and needs. Each day the key-person will give you feedback about your child’s day, such as what they have been learning, what they have eaten and when slept

Greenleaf Site

William Morris Community Centre 8 Greenleaf road, Walthamstow London E17 6QQ

Erskine Site

124 Erskine Road Walthamstow London E17 6SA

Contact details

Telephone:02085215524 Email:


Sunbeam Family Services Ltd T/A Sugar Plum Tree Nursery (when nursery or setting is used it refers to Sunbeam Family Services Ltd) is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information.The privacy notice describes how Sunbeam Family Services Ltd T/A Sugar Plum Tree Nursery collects and uses personal information about employees of the Nursery/setting (“Employees”, children attending the Nursery/setting (“Child” or “Children”) and the parents of the Children (“Parents”) (known collectively as “You” or “Your”), in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).If you wish to see our privacy notice document, please contact the office.